This CTF was organized by TCP1P, a CTF team/community from Indonesia. ...
This CTF was organized by TCP1P, a CTF team/community from Indonesia. ...
This was a companion CTF challenge to Bsides Orlando, with challenges in the beginner to intermediate level. I participated as part of Weak But Leet and we solved all the challenges and were placed second among all teams. ...
BuckeyeCTF is jeopardy-style CTF hosted by the Cybersecurity Club at The Ohio State University. ...
This was a qualifier for the CSAW cybersec event. It was organized by students of NYU college of engg. This was the first CTF in which I got a first-blood on a challenge - so this is one for the memory banks. ...
A very interesting beginner-intermediate level CTF from the CyberSec club of George Mason University. I played with Weak But Leet and we solved all but one challenge, which placed us 10th in a field of over 1274 teams, with 2904 players. ...
This was a very high quality CTF with over sixty (!!) challenges. This CTF had everything we need in a CTF - plenty of unique challenges, wide variety, beginner to advanced level of difficulty and immediate release of official writeups. Capturing a mix of both my solutions and official solutions for future reference. ...
Sekai CTF team’s CTF tournament. We had very nice intermediate-to-hard level of challenges. Some of the challenges were very unique. While, I did not have sufficient time to do this CTF justice, I enjoyed every challenge that I tried. ...
This was an interesting CTF hosted by a Myanmar-based cybersec firm. My team was placed 5th in this CTF. ...
Tried a few challenges in Tenable’s CTF. ...
These writeups are for challenges I solved after the CTF. Some of these I have captured solutions from others’ writeups for my reference. ...
A high quality CTF from The Few Chosen CTF team. ...
Writeups for some of the crypto challenges from ImaginaryCTF. ...