Odyssey CTF
A CTF themed on greek literature and history. I was time-constrained and wanted to focus on Crypto challenges. Here are my writeups. ...
A CTF themed on greek literature and history. I was time-constrained and wanted to focus on Crypto challenges. Here are my writeups. ...
This is a challenging crypto-centric CTF organized by ASIS. ...
An interesting CTF challenge from UIUC. Had a good mix of beginner and advanced level challenges. ...
This was a very tough, high quality CTF challenge by Google. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I had very little time to play in the CTF, and whatever challenges I was able to solve, my team mates had gotten there ahead of me. I am capturing some of the learnings from this CTF for future reference. ...
A really cool CTF challenge as part of Nahamcon. ...
I was severely constrained for time this weekend and was not able to participate in the CTF. However the challenges looked very interesting and I solved a few of them after the CTF. I also scoured through some writeups to capture learning for future use. ...
A very high quality Dante-themed CTF by the team Born2Scan. A very nice array of challenges, including some signals/radio ones. ...
This was a nice CTF organized by Thomas Jefferson Highschool. It was a nice mix of challenges. I was able to attempt only a few challenges. ...
Solved a few challenges in the BYU CTF organized by the Brigham Young University’s Cyberia academic team. ...
Organized by Engineering students in France, this was a nice CTF with an interesting variety of challenges. Unfortunately, I did not have much free time to play in the CTF this weekend. I was able to solve a few challenges, and came very close on a couple. While I didn’t participate much, my CTF team did a great job and scored 10119 points, placing 9th in a global field of over 1000 teams. ...
Joined the UMDCTF after the CTF already had started. Nice varieties in this CTF. I especially enjoyed the Hardware category. ...
A couple of challenges that I solved in the Angstorm CTF. I did not get a chance to spend time on this CTF. ...