This CTF was organized by TCP1P, a CTF team/community from Indonesia.
Final Consensus
The key part of the challenge server is:
def generateKey():
global a, b
a = (str(random.randint(0, 999999)).zfill(6)*4)[:16].encode()
b = (str(random.randint(0, 999999)).zfill(6)*4)[:16].encode()
def encrypt(plaintext, a, b):
cipher =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
ct = cipher.encrypt(pad(plaintext, 16)) # The first stage of the encryption
cipher =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
ct = cipher.encrypt(ct) # The second stage
return ct.hex()
def main():
print("Alice: My message", encrypt(FLAG, a, b))
print("Alice: Now give me yours!")
plain = input(">> ")
print("Steve: ", encrypt(plain.encode(), a, b))
print("Alice: Agree.")
$$ \text{plaintext} \to \overbrace{AES~ECB~Encrypt}^{\text{key:=[0..999999]}} \to \overbrace{AES~ECB~Encrypt}^{\text{key:=[0..999999]}} \to \text{ciphertext (provided)} $$
The approach for the solution is to create a dictionary for every possible key value for each stage.
- Pick a plaintext (say
) and submit it to the server and capture resulting ciphertext. - Also, capture the ciphertext for the flag.
- These two encryptions use two AES-CBC ciphers with the key material that is generated using a
function. - For the first stage, we provide a known plaintext and capture the output.
- The dictionary is
cipher text -> key material
- For the second stage, we come from the opposite direction and bruteforce the key material for decrypting the ciphertext that was provided by the server.
- The dictionary is
decryption output -> key material
- Now, find the intersection of the keys for the two dictionaries. This will identify the case where
encryption(plaintext) = decryption(server ciphertext)
. The values corresponding the matching keys in each dictionary will give the key materials for each stage. - Decrypt the given ciphertext using the two key material to get the flag.
$$ \text{plaintext} \to \overbrace{AES~ECB~Encrypt}^{\text{key:=[0..999999]}} \to \overbrace{K:output\brace V:key}^{\text{dictionary}} \newline \text{ciphertext (provided)} \to \overbrace{AES~ECB~Decrypt}^{\text{key:=[0..999999]}} \to \overbrace{K:output\brace V:key}^{\text{dictionary}} $$
The complete solution is
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
from pwn import enhex, unhex
enc_flag = <snip>
known_text = pad(b'abcdefgh', 16)
known_ciphertext = bytes.fromhex('5888af33746bd586e535f1cd5f9d876b')
# brute-force all encryptions
encryption_table = {} # key : value -> encryption result : key
for a in range(999999):
key = (str(a).zfill(6)*4)[:16].encode()
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
encrypted_custom = cipher.encrypt(known_text)
encryption_table[encrypted_custom] = key
# brute all decryptions
decryption_table = {} # key : value -> decryption result : key
for b in range(999999):
key = (str(b).zfill(6)*4)[:16].encode()
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
decrypted_custom = cipher.decrypt(known_ciphertext)
decryption_table[decrypted_custom] = key
# find the intersection between the keys of decryption_table and encryption_table
# if there is an intersection, we can cross-reference the AES key we used
encryption_table_set = set(encryption_table.keys())
decryption_table_set = set(decryption_table.keys())
intersection = encryption_table_set.intersection(decryption_table_set).pop()
encryption_key = encryption_table[intersection] # set the encryption key (first stage)
decryption_key = decryption_table[intersection] # set the decryption key (second stage)
print(f"Found keys: {encryption_key} {decryption_key}")
cipher1 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
cipher2 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
# now decrypt flag_enc twice in the reverse order
flag = cipher2.decrypt(enc_flag)
flag = cipher1.decrypt(flag).decode().strip()
One Pad Time
Cherry Leak
for i in `seq 25000 1`
ls zip-$
pass=$(cat password.txt | tr -d '\r\n')
rm password.txt
unzip -P $pass -x zip-$
rm zip-$
extracting: password.txt
extracting: password.txt
extracting: flag.txt
./ 2207.15s user 508.09s system 90% cpu 50:01.02 total
% cat flag.txt
Expand to see the list of challenges
Category Challenge Description Blockchain Invitation Blockchain Location Blockchain VIP Blockchain Venue Cryptography Cherry Leak Cryptography Eclairs Cryptography Final Consensus Cryptography Jack’s Worst Trials Cryptography One Pad Time Cryptography Open the Noor Cryptography Shiftgner Cryptography Spider Shambles Forensic Browser Forensic Compromised Forensic Ez PDF Forensic Hacked Forensic Reminiscence Forensic brokenimg Forensic hide and split Forensic scrambled egg Misc Another Discord Misc Cat Kompani Misc Certificate Misc Feedback Misc Guess My Number Misc Landbox Misc Nuclei Misc PyMagic Misc Sanity Check Misc vampire Misc zipzipzipzip Mobile Imagery Mobile Intention Mobile Internals Mobile Netsight Mobile OTA PWN Bluffer Overflow PWN Game Changer PWN NakiriAyame PWN babyheap PWN digital circuit PWN message PWN tickery PWN unsafe safe PWN 💀 Reverse Engineering Debug Me Reverse Engineering ELF Cracker Reverse Engineering IOP Reverse Engineering Lock the Lock Reverse Engineering NoJS Reverse Engineering Subject Encallment Reverse Engineering Take some Byte Reverse Engineering VA Web A simple website Web Bypassssss Web Calculator Web Latex Web PDFIFY Web Un Secure Web fetcher Web love card