A CTF organized by a team from Malaysia. It was a tidy little event with some interesting challenges.


N-less RSA

This is a RSA challenge with unknown N, but we have the totient function phi(n). We are also provided the logic used to determine the private primes p and q.

def generate_secure_primes():
	p = getStrongPrime(1024)
	q = int(next_prime(p*13-37*0xcafebabe))
	return p,q

# Generate two large and secure prime numbers
p,q = generate_secure_primes()
n = p*q
e = 0x10001
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
c = pow(bytes_to_long(flag),e,n)

# we are given phi, e and c, but not n

Given that we have phi and the relationship between p and q, we can solve for them using any of the following three methods.

Method 1: By factoring phi

# Use https://www.alpertron.com.ar/ECM.HTM to factor phi

from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime, long_to_bytes
from itertools import combinations
from functools import reduce


factors = [2,2,2,2,5,17,23,127,34883,64327,31855469,41906999093,103832676376161046043,

# Work out which combination (product) of factors produce possible values for P-1 and Q-1
for n in range(1, len(factors)):
    comb = combinations(factors, n)
    print(f"testing [C({n})]...")
    for c in comb:
        prod = reduce(int.__mul__, c)
        # find the product of all the factors and see if it is 1 less than a prime number
        if isPrime(prod+1) and isPrime(phi//prod+1):
            p = prod+1
            q = phi//(p-1) + 1
            d = pow(e, -1, phi)
            pt = pow(ct, d, p*q)
            m = long_to_bytes(pt)
            # print(m.decode())
            if b"wgmy" in m:

Method 2: Bruteforce + quadratic roots to determine p

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

F.<p> = ZZ[]

# given 

for i in range(1000):
    f = (p - 1) * (p*13-37*0xcafebabe + i) - phi
    if (len(f.roots()) != 0):
        p = f.roots()[0][0]
        q = phi // (p - 1) + 1
        assert phi % (p - 1) == 0
        assert phi % (q - 1) == 0

        n = p * q
        d = pow(e, -1, phi)
        m = pow(c, d, n)

Method 3: Z3 solver

from z3 import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

# given 

p = Int('p')
q = Int('q')
incr = Int('incr')

s = Solver()
s.add((p-1) * (q-1) == phi)
s.add(q == (p*13-37*0xcafebabe + incr))
# set the boundary conditions p, q and incr all should be positive integers
s.add(p > 0)
s.add(q > 0)
s.add(incr > 0)
# set an upper bound to `incr` as the nextPrime() should find one close to the start value (13p - k)
s.add(incr < 1000)  # tune as needed.

if s.check() == sat:
    m = s.model()
    P = m[p].as_long()
    Q = m[q].as_long()
    N = P*Q
    print(f'Found Solution: \n{P =}\n{Q =}')

    d = pow(e, -1, phi)
    print(long_to_bytes(pow(c, d, N)))      # b'wgmy{a9722440198c2abad490478875be2815}'
    print('Unsat :(')

Method 4:

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
# given 

k = -37*0xcafebabe
d = 0
while True:
    q = ( sqrt(d^2 + 2*d*(k+12) + k^2 + 24*k + 52*phi + 144) +d +k +14)/2
    if q in ZZ:
    d += 1
p = (phi/(q-1)) +1
n = p*q
d = pow(e, -1, phi)

Ho Ho Ho 2

Want to make a wish for this Christmas? Submit here and we will tell Santa!!

1. Register
2. Login
3. Make a wish
4. Wishlist (Santa Only)
5. Exit
Enter option: 1
Enter your name: aaaaaa
Use this token to login: 6076a84d0f90efbfb4a2ddc7a3f1436f

To solve this challenge, we need to login with the name with Santa Claus in it and have a valid token.

The token generator is a LCG with just one randomly generated value

m = 0xb00ce3d162f598b408e9a0f64b815b2f
a = 0xaaa87c7c30adc1dcd06573702b126d0d
c = 0xcaacf9ebce1cdf5649126bc06e69a5bb
n = getRandomNBitInteger(64)

def generateToken(name):
	x = bytes_to_long(name.encode(errors="surrogateescape"))
    # LCG fast skip implementation
    # is equivalent to the following code
    # for _ in range(n):
    # 	x = (a*x + c) % m
	x = ((pow(a, n, (a-1)*m) - 1) // (a-1) * c + pow(a, n, m) * x) % m
	return hex(x)[2:]

The algorithm for the fast skip LCG calculation is explained very well at this site.

$$ Token \quad T = \overbrace{[[x\cdot a + c]\cdot a + c] \cdots + c]]}^{\text{nested n-times}}\\ T = x\cdot a^n + c\cdot a^{n-1}+ c\cdot a^{n-2}+ \cdots + c \\ T = x\cdot a^n + c\cdot ( a^{n-1} + a^{n-2} + \cdots + 1 ) \\ T = x\cdot a^n + c\cdot (\dfrac{a^n-1}{a-1}) \pmod{m}\\ \space \\ \text {Given x, m, a, c and T, calculate n}\\ \space \\ T \cdot {(a-1)} = x\cdot{a^n}\cdot{(a-1)} + c\cdot{a^n} - c\\ T \cdot {(a-1)}+c = x\cdot{(a-1)}\cdot{a^n} + c\cdot{a^n}\\ T\cdot{(a-1)}+c = {a^n}\cdot{(x\cdot{(a-1)} + c)} \\ {a^n} = \dfrac{ T\cdot{(a-1)}+c}{x\cdot{(a-1)} + c}\\ \space \\ {n} = {log_a} \Big[ \dfrac{ T\cdot{(a-1)}+c}{x\cdot{(a-1)} + c} \Big] \pmod {m} \space \\ \space \\ \text {In Sage, use the following equation and simplify to solve for } a^n \\ T = x\cdot a^n + c\cdot (\dfrac{a^n-1}{a-1}) \pmod{m}\\ x\cdot a^n + c\cdot (\dfrac{a^n-1}{a-1}) - T =0 \pmod{m}\\ $$

The full solution is:

from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long

def regUser(R, username):
    R.recvuntil(b'Enter option:')
    R.recvuntil(b'to login:')
    t = R.recvline().strip()
    return t

R = process(['python3', 'hohoho1-server.py'])
# R = remote('',)

context.log_level = 'debug'

uname = b'aaaaaaaa'
t = regUser(R, uname)
print(f"{uname}  --> {t}")
m = 0xb00ce3d162f598b408e9a0f64b815b2f
a = 0xaaa87c7c30adc1dcd06573702b126d0d
c = 0xcaacf9ebce1cdf5649126bc06e69a5bb

T = int(t, 16)
x = bytes_to_long(uname)
# `p` is the variable to represent a**n
#  T = a^n x + c (a^n - 1)/(a-1)
#  a^n (is not xor)
F.<p> = Zmod(m)[]
f = p*x + c * (p - 1) / (a - 1) - T
print(f"Simplified equation: {f = } = 0")
lst = f.coefficients()
an = (-lst[0]) / lst[1]

print(f"Coeff {lst = }\n {an = }")
# Find discrete log with base `a` to get `n`
n = int(an.log(a))
print(f"Found {n = }")

def generateToken(name):
	x = bytes_to_long(name.encode(errors="surrogateescape"))
	x = ((pow(a, n, (a-1)*m) - 1) // (a-1) * c + pow(a, n, m) * x) % m
	return hex(x)[2:]

# Generate a token for `Santa` using our calculated value for `n`
santa_token = generateToken('Santa Claus')

# Use the self-generated token to login as Santa
R.recvuntil(b'Enter option:')
R.sendline(b'Santa Claus')

# Use option 4 to view the wishlist and get the flag


See You

We are given a PCAP file with the instructions that one the machines was found to be exfiltrating information. Wireshark’s protocol statistics show a bunch of TLS traffic (which we can ignore) and some UDP traffic. A large portion of the UDP traffic comes from port 38884.

% tshark -r artifact.pcapng -z io,phs
Protocol Hierarchy Statistics

eth                                      frames:21247 bytes:23866862
  ip                                     frames:21227 bytes:23865225
    udp                                  frames:18993 bytes:1295197
      data                               frames:18351 bytes:1248704
      dns                                frames:236 bytes:24597
      mdns                               frames:8 bytes:712
      llmnr                              frames:1 bytes:67
      jmirror                            frames:23 bytes:1817
        ipv6                             frames:22 bytes:1748
          _ws.malformed                  frames:19 bytes:1476
          data                           frames:2 bytes:182
        ip                               frames:1 bytes:69
          _ws.malformed                  frames:1 bytes:69
      ssdp                               frames:18 bytes:3766
      dhcp                               frames:2 bytes:666
    tcp                                  frames:2231 bytes:22569848
      tls                                frames:823 bytes:21959388
        tcp.segments                     frames:527 bytes:20067651
          tls                            frames:510 bytes:20007994
      http                               frames:36 bytes:12865
        data-text-lines                  frames:11 bytes:6776
    igmp                                 frames:3 bytes:180
  ipv6                                   frames:12 bytes:1229
    icmpv6                               frames:3 bytes:270
    udp                                  frames:9 bytes:959
      mdns                               frames:8 bytes:872
      llmnr                              frames:1 bytes:87
  arp                                    frames:8 bytes:408

% tshark -r artifact.pcapng -Y 'udp.srcport == 38884' -T fields -e 'udp.dstport' | cut -c 3- | awk '{printf "%c",$0}' | xxd 
00000000: 8950 4e47 0d0a 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452  .PNG........IHDR
00000010: 0000 0376 0000 0110 0802 0000 0073 fd71  ...v.........s.q
00000020: b400 0000 0173 5247 4200 aece 1ce9 0000  .....sRGB.......
# <snip>
% tshark -r artifact.pcapng -Y 'udp.srcport == 38884' -T fields -e 'udp.dstport' |                  
                            # ^^ Read the PCAP file, filter by udp source port == 38884, and extract only the UDP target port
cut -c 3- |                 # ignore the first 2 digits and capture the rest
awk '{printf "%02x",$0}' |  # Convert from decimal to hex
xxd -r -p > cu.png          # convert from hex string to byte values and store it as 'cu.png'

Open the resulting image file to read the flag.

References & Writeups


CRYPTOHohoho 2 Continue
CRYPTOHohoho 2
MISCWarmup - Game
OTHERFeedback Form
PPCLinux Memory Usage
PPCLokami Temple
PWNFree Juice
PWNMagic Door
PWNPak Mat Burger
REVERSEDefeat the boss!
WEBMy First AI Project
WEBPet Store Viewer
WEBReport Google?
WEBWarmup - Web