Organized by Asis, this CTF seems to be sponsored by an energy consortium called the MAPNA group. The challenges were indeed … challenging!


What Next

Trivial XOR operation. No need to mess around with MT19937

KEY = 23226475334448992634882677537728533150528705952262010830460862502359965393545
enc = 2290064970177041546889165766737348623235283630135906565145883208626788551598431732

m = KEY ^ enc
print(long_to_bytes(m)) # b'MAPNA{R_U_MT19937_PRNG_Predictor?}'

What Next II

In this challenge, we are not given the KEY, but instead the preceding random numbers that could help us reproduce it.

from mt19937predictor import MT19937Predictor
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

TMP = [ ... given array ...]
enc = ... given ...

def decrypt(cipher, KEY):
    m = KEY ^ cipher
    return long_to_bytes(m)

M = MT19937Predictor()

# we need 624 * 32 = 19968 bits to seed the generator
# we have 256 * 79 = 20224 bits, we only need 78 and we can use the last one as validation

for i in range(1, len(TMP)-1):
    assert TMP[i] % (i**2) == 0
    randbits = TMP[i]// (i**2)
    M.setrandbits(randbits, 256)

my_rand = M.getrandbits(256)

# verify that the rand generators are synched
assert TMP[-1] == my_rand * (79 ** 2)

# reproduce the key 
KEY = sum([M.getrandbits(256 >> _) ** 2 for _ in range(8)]) 
# decrypt to get the flag
print(decrypt(enc, KEY))        # b'MAPNA{4Re_y0U_MT19937_PRNG_pr3d!cT0r_R3ven9E_4057950503c1e3992}'

Be Fast

The analysis of the given challenge source gives us:

def main():
	border = "+"
	pr(border, ".::        Hi all, you should be fast, I mean super fact!!       ::.", border)
	pr(border, "You should send twenty 8-byte keys to encrypt the secret message and", border)
	pr(border, "just decrypt the ciphertext to get the flag, Are you ready to start?", border)

	secret_msg = b'TOP_SECRET:' + os.urandom(40)            # <--- Known plaintext, enough to fill the first block (8 bytes)
	cnt, STEP, KEYS = 0, 14, []             # <--- Even though the banner says to provide 20 keys, we only need 14 
	md = 1

	while True:
		pr(border, "please send your key as hex: ")
		alarm(md + 1)
		ans = sc().decode().strip()
			key = unhexlify(ans)
			if len(key) == 8 and key not in KEYS:
				KEYS += [key]
				cnt += 1
				die(border, 'Kidding me!? Bye!!')
			die(border, 'Your key is not valid! Bye!!')
		if len(KEYS) == STEP:
			HKEY = KEYS[:7]			     # The first seven keys - not used for encryption ... only as a counter
			NKEY = KEYS[-7:]             # The last seven keys are shuffled.
			for h in HKEY: NKEY = [key, shift(key, 1)] + NKEY       # key = last (14th) key .. this key is shifted (rotated) 7 times

            # the final key array is [14 rotated version of the last key] + shuffled permutation of the last 7 keys                
			enc = encrypt(secret_msg, NKEY[0])
			for key in NKEY[1:]:
				enc = encrypt(enc, key)
			pr(border, f'enc = {hexlify(enc)}')
			pr(border, f'Can you guess the secret message? ')
			alarm(md + 1)                   # we get 2 seconds to decrypt the secret message and send it over 
			msg = sc().strip()
			if msg == hexlify(secret_msg):
				die(border, f'Congrats, you deserve the flag: {flag}')
				die(border, f'Sorry, your input is incorrect! Bye!!')

So, our approach to solve the problem would be :

  1. We need to provide 14 8-byte keys.
  2. The first 7 keys don’t matter as they are not used in the encryption step
  3. The last 7 keys are shuffled in some random order. Permutations(7,7) = 5040 possibilities.
  4. The last key is rotated/shifted for 14 rounds.
  5. We can pick the last key so that the rotation/shifts shouldn’t matter. I chose all ones : 1111111111111111
  6. The encryption order is : 14 * [last_key] + [a permutation of the last seven keys]
  7. We can take the first block b'TOP_SECR' and run it through all possible permutations and store the resulting mapping for a reverse lookup
  8. We then connect to the server, send the keys and get the encrypted message back.
  9. Use the first 8 bytes to lookup the appropriate permutation used on the server.
  10. Reverse the encryption function in the opposite order. Reverse of the permutation order + 14 rounds with the [last_key]
  11. Send the resulting message to the server and receive the flag. You can confirm that the message indeed has the known header TOP_SECRET:
from pwn import * 
from itertools import permutations
from Crypto.Cipher import DES

context.log_level = 'error'
keys = [
    b'1000000000000011', b'1000000000000012', b'1000000000000013', b'1000000000000014', b'1000000000000015', b'1000000000000016', b'1000000000000017',
    b'1000000000000018', b'1000000000000019', b'100000000000001a', b'100000000000001b', b'100000000000001c', b'100000000000001d', b'1111111111111111',

secret_block = b'TOP_SECR'      # first block of the message
signatures = {}
static_enc = b''
static_key = unhex(keys[-1])

def encrypt(msg, key):
	# msg = pad(msg)
	assert len(msg) % 8 == 0
	assert len(key) == 8
	des =, DES.MODE_ECB)
	enc = des.encrypt(msg)
	return enc

def decrypt(cipher, key):
     des =, DES.MODE_ECB)
     msg = des.decrypt(cipher)
     return msg

perms = list(permutations(keys[7:], 7))
print(f"Permutations: {len(perms)}   {perms[0]}")
enc = secret_block
for i in range(14):
    enc = encrypt(enc, static_key)
static_enc = enc

for l in perms:
    enc = static_enc
    binary_keys = []
    for k in l: 
        binary_k = unhex(k)
        enc = encrypt(enc, binary_k)
    signatures[enc] = binary_keys

# R = process(["python3", ""])
R = remote('',37773)
R.recvuntil(b'ready to start?')

for i in range(14):
    R.recvuntil(b'key as hex:')
R.recvuntil(b'+ enc = ')
enc = R.recvline().decode()
enc = bytes(enc, 'utf-8').decode().split("'")[1]
print(">>>>", enc)
enc_bytes = unhex(enc)

# get the correct permutation of the 7 keys used by the server
NKEYS = signatures[enc_bytes[:8]]
message = enc_bytes

# decrypt in the reverse order of encryption
for k in NKEYS[::-1]:
     message = decrypt(message, k)
# finally use the static key that does not change
for i in range(14):
     message = decrypt(message, static_key)

# The final message must start with b'TOP_SECRET:'
print(f"Final message: {message}")
R.recvuntil(b'guess the secret message?')
R.sendline(enhex(message).strip('ff'))      # strip the padding characters 
R.interactive()        # MAPNA{DES_h4s_A_f3W_5pec1f!c_kEys_7eRm3d_we4K_k3Ys_And_Sem1-wE4k_KeY5!}





% sort flag.txt

Opening the file in Vim and searching for that outlier, brings us to line 9792, where we can see the discontinuity in the pattern. The previous like has a carriage return before the newline, unlike others.


Compile Me

We are given the following source code to compile and run.


Even though the challenge instructions ask us to provide the challenge source as the argument, what we need to provide it as the input to get the flag.

% gcc -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-implicit-int -Wno-parentheses -o source source.c
% cat source.c| ./source

